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Stakeholder Feedback Sought on Review of FSANZ Act 1991

In November 2019, the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum) endorsed an ambitious plan to reform the Bi-national Food Regulation System to ensure it remains strong, robust and agile into the future.

A key element underpinning the reform agenda is the review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (FSANZ Act).

The FSANZ Act is one of several foundational instruments that make up the joint food regulatory system. By empowering Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to set and amend food standards and undertake other core functions, the FSANZ Act underpins the safety of our food supply and provides a regulatory framework for how foods can enter the market in Australia and New Zealand.

The FSANZ Act is undergoing its first major review in almost 30 years, which presents an exciting opportunity for modernisation.

Stakeholders are being asked for their views on the Scoping Paper that has been prepared, which outlines key issues identified with the FSANZ Act and opportunities for legislative and operational reform.

Stakeholder feedback is being collected by The Australian Department of Health on behalf of the Forum until midday on 16 November 2020. 

What will the feedback be used for?

Submissions received will be considered and analysed to further refine the issues and potential reform ideas identified.

Where can I find more information?

Food regulation in Australia and New Zealand:

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ):